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Krystal 2 Door Vitrine

Collection: Camelgroup Italy by ESF

Stock status: Stock Product
Colors: Black, Brown/Walnut
Materials: Solid Wood, Wood veneer, MDF
Finishes: High Gloss Lacquer, Mat, Special Order Finish
Item Description

This collection features the interplay of gloss and matte.
MedBlue birch gloss panels combine and contrast with matte metal look wood frames. Onyx stiletto handles and diamond cut feet add a sleek urban vibe to the collection.

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Available Items   Qty in Stock Qty to Order Dimensions
2 Door Vitrine

2 Door Vitrine

(MSRP) $2,510
Weight: 308.1 lbs

2 Door Vitrine

2 Door Vitrine
(MSRP) $2,510
Qty in Stock: 2
Qty to Order:
Width 43.7"
Depth 19.7"
Height 75.8"
Weight 308.1 lbs
Inventory is updated on 02/07/2025
The inventory quantities are subject to change, please call for more updated information
Total price: $2,510