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Colors: White, Special Order, Grey/Silver
Materials: Special Order Materials
Finishes: Special Order Finish
Item Description
AIR Bedroom

Roble Montana / Piedra Mate

AIR Headboard
AIR Bedside table

AIR bed with Hoop and bedside table in Oak Mountain finish combined with Matt stone.

Thank you for review.

Available Items   Qty in Stock Qty to Order Dimensions

2839152063 Bed AIR QS with light + USB with hanged bedside tables + bedframe

Needs wooden slats frame
(MSRP) $3,196

2839152063 Bed AIR KS with light + USB with hanged bedside tables + bedframe

Needs wooden slats frame
(MSRP) $3,540

2839152063 Bed AIR QS with light + USB with hanged bedside tables + bedframe

Needs wooden slats frame
(MSRP) $3,196
Qty in Stock:
Qty to Order:

2839152063 Bed AIR KS with light + USB with hanged bedside tables + bedframe

Needs wooden slats frame
(MSRP) $3,540
Qty in Stock:
Qty to Order:
Inventory is updated on 02/07/2025
The inventory quantities are subject to change, please call for more updated information
Total price: $3,196